Martes, Enero 31, 2012


ACTIVITY#13(Carlo Fuerte)
            It’s February, and in a few months it’s going to be summer.  As of now I plan to take the Advance Photography Course in Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF).  Photography has always been a passion of mine and it’s still an ongoing learning experience.   Learning is never ending even in photography that’s why there is a basic and advance photography course. There are also other available specialized courses like landscape, wedding photography.  Advance photography consists of basic studio lighting, portraiture, food photography, and travel photography. Among the topics mentioned my favorite is portraiture and food photography.  
Last summer I took the basic photography, it was great.   I met a lot of new and creative people that have the same interest as I do. They are all older than I am.  My teachers are veterans in the line of photography.   They came from the era of film and evolved to the digital age.
This summer is something that I look forward to because I see a new and invigorating photography courses for my shooting needs. After all this learning I wish I could go to Europe see the beautiful sites and scenery like Eifel Tower and Tower of London, etc. 



ACTIVITY #12 (Carlo Fuerte)
                 Every one has dreams, you can have big ones, and you can have small ones. Anything is possible if you put a lot of effort into it.    
                 Some day I want to be a well known stylist and photographer of food.  I want to be a food photographer and a stylist because I love food.  Food has been a big part of my life because my grandmother is great at cooking .That has motivated me to study culinary during the summer four years ago. It’s very pleasing to capture the food in the camera especially when it looks appetizing. To get the perfect shot you need the proper equipment for the type of subject. With the proper lighting of the food you can get the effect you would desire. I want to learn how to style food professionally so I can be in the advertizing. I can be the one to style the food at the same time be the one to take the photos as well. It’s a win- win situation for me. :D
                Someday we all can reach our dream we just have to strive for it and don’t let anything get you down. Even if the pressure is getting to you just relax and you will reach you dreams. Treat each day like it’s your last so dream like you have never dreamt before.